Is Bidenomics Working?

Great video below, and is Bidenomics working?

This is an edited comment I made on this video below.

In the video, Michael Bordenaro probably needed to explain how the FED is a private banking cabal, and not part of our gooberment.

The bottom line is that they have been running a huge Ponzie scheme on all of us and it now coming to a breaking point.

The golden times he speaks of all fake to not lose their power. Welfare is huge, and it’s only going to get worse with the invasion.

It’s clear that they do not care for Americans. The middle class and small business owner’s are getting screwed up the….well you know. This is not a new trend.

Healthy economies have ebb’s and flows, that is a fact, America’s business is war and welfare. Highs and lows create opportunity, our current economic situation is death and destruction, and we are paying for it.

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