5 High End Career Skills

5 High End Career Skills You Need for Success

In the video below, Dan Lok explains the 5 High End Career Skills that one needs in order to secure high paying clients.

Below the video is the comment I posted.

I have all 5 of these high end career skills, including formal education and experience in these skills. My problem is finding the clients, especially the ones that are willing to pay the money. I have been doing this a long time, yet struggle.

If a company has not already hired a “firm”, I hear things like, “my wife takes care of that”, or some other relative they cannot get off their couch.

In today’s world, everyone is a marketer. Just because they took some on line course, or got involved with an internet based company, they are experts.

I am not saying they are no good, only that they have driven the prices one can charge way down.

Then there are the outsources. You know, the content mills that crank out articles for pennies, and sites like Fivver where people will do anything for 5 bucks. These places can be useful to consultants, just be prepared to get involved because you get what you pay for.

5 High End Career Skills and Sub-Skills

Along with these 5 high end career skills come subskills.

Quality content writing, and SEO Services are important sub-skills. You can hire the work out, but you must know what you are paying for.

Here’s the thing; we must market ourselves, and advertising is key. The trouble for me has been finding the clients that are willing to pay an amount that makes it worth my time, let alone anything extra to pay for advertising so I can get more clients.

I have reverted to the old fashioned way of door knocking. It is very effective, but extremely time consuming. I am old school (53), and cell phones are a huge pain in the ass. Deal breakers in any business meeting with a busy person, however, busy people are the ones that can and will pay you.

Basictech Business Services

Here at Basictech Information Services LLC we offer a wide variety of business and consulting with affordable business solutions.

If you are struggling with the 5 high end career skills and sub-skills, we do give free consultations. Just ask in comments below.

Be sure to sign up with your best information so I can reach you and schedule a consultation. Don’t worry, we will not spam you, nor sell your information.

Article by Randy Baith at Basictech Information Services LLC

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